Here are some tips to set up your own zero waste kitchen, for a better living and a cleaner environment ! The zero waste alternative is a solution without plastic polluting our kitchen and the Earth. So here are some tips cause we all need to know where to start ? How do we stock the products ? An investment that you will repay over the long term !
The Basics
First things first, the basic of the kitchen zero waste is to shop with no waste. For that, you will need some bulk cloths bags for bulk racing. Prevents unnecessary plastic waste because a plastic bag which repairs a race takes 400 years to decompose.
Then you will need a gourd for your trips out of the house and some jugs for your house. Knowing that a western person consumes about 170 grams of microplastic per day, everybody should stop buying plastic bottles !
And for the sunny days that approach, what a better idea than buy some bamboo reusable cutlery ! So yummy to not pollutes planet and eat in a beautiful sun !
At the same time as you are stockpiling bulk bags, consider stockpiling jars or conservation boxes. As many sizes and forms you want, for all your bulk food you need. Your jars can be easily retrieved from your purchased products like sauces, jam jars, etc ... or you can also buy them.
The second knowing about conservation is the meal kept in the fridge or in the open air. For your meals not to dry out you can equip yourself with some bee wraps that you can make by yourself with some tissu and some beeswax, you put the bee wax on the tissu and in the oven and you have some bee wrap for a year ! You can also buy some. The other alternative is the charlotte that you put on your plate.
The Compost
After setting up a zero waste kitchen without packages and packaging, the only waste left in your kitchen are the peelings of fruits and vegetables. There are so many manners to get rid of your skins. For example, you can do some chips with your peels, make a vegetable broth for your next meals that you can keep in the freezer, etc ... the last alternative is to make a compost for your waste to serve for your garden, if you have the chance to have one of course !